Book: Shall Not Be Infringed, By David A. KeeneShall Not be Infringed: The New Assaults on Your Second Amendment is a history of the gun control debate in America and a revealing description of how those hostile to the Second Amendment use polls, studies, and numbers to confuse the public. Expert pro-gun advocates David Keene and Thomas Mason tell the story of the battle fought in the courts, Congress, and state legislatures across the country as well as in the media and even the United Nations. 

Addressing vital issues such as deterring and preventing crime, troubling presidential and Congressional politics, problematic anti-gun proposals, and so much more, Shall Not Be Infringed is an essential read for our times.

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David Keene is an Editor at Large for The Washington Times, and you may view his most recent articles HERE.

NRA President David Keene on Vice President Biden's Firearms Task Force

Fri, January 11, 2013

Cam Edwards talks to NRA President David Keene about the NRA's attendance at a meeting of Vice President Joe Biden's firearms task force, and what people need to be doing in order to protect their Second Amendment rights

NRA’s David Keene: Congress will not pass an assault weapons ban

Fri, January 11, 2013

On the Today show this morning, NRA President David Keene predicted to show host Matt Lauer that Congress would not successfully pass an assault weapons ban in 2013.
“I do not think that there is going to be a ban on so-called assault weapons passed by the Congress,” Keene declared, after Lauer asked him if the NRA was powerful enough to block the legislation.
Lauer questioned Keene about whether the power of the NRA was “eroded” after the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

Obama Vows Revenge

Jan 3, 2013

President Barack Obama closed out his campaign for re-election with a one-word threat that has proven ominous for the NRA and the nation's gun owners—a vow that clarifies what Obama had in store for Americans' freedom all along—"REVENGE."

His stunning, deeply held reveal came in a rare unscripted, off-prompter remark to cheering supporters in Springfield, Ohio, just days before his re-election when he said, "Voting is the best revenge."


Dianne Feinstein with AR-15
Jan 2, 2013

Politician after politician have joined the television talking heads in calling for a new “assault weapons ban” patterned after the ten-year Clinton ban that was allowed to lapse in 2004 after Justice Department and private studies concluded it had no impact whatsoever on murder and violent crime rates and had become a symbol of wrong-headed governmental attempts to restrict firearms ownership in this country.
